Thanks for your 2 cents, I went ahead and put it in the piggy bank. I'm going to have a ton of disclaimers to cover my ass on this one, but yeah it is the internet, and the disclaimers will be clear enough that the parents shouldn't/can't get angry at me for that... plus, why dont they just put netnanny on that box of porn... thats all the internet is good for anyway ;-) that and spreading viruses....
I also found out that CCBill cannot accept Visa unless you're located in the US or EU. And Visa would be a lot of valuable customers, so im getting that settled right now before anything... then I gotta get all the content together....
its gunna be a process, but well worth it.
I appreciate everyones input, hopefully we get the ball rolling. I started purchasing domains already, If I end up not using any of them im post them up here for sale i guess...
Thanks again everyone
Miami..... what more can I say....