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Old 05-12-2004, 11:13 AM   #7
LaughingEyes should edit this
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IMHO it depends on how many hits that 5% translates into. IE: 100 hits or 100,000 hits.

Several years back I had a discussion, well actual several discussions, regarding optimizing for both Windows and Netscape. It was my opinion that since only 12% of my traffic were Netscape users it wasn't worth the added effort on my part. As long as I was serving the 88% and they were making me money that was okay with me. I preferred to build more and more for that 88% than take the extra time for the 12% that would have lessened the time I could spend servicing the 88%.

So it is up to you to decide whether it is cost effective based on the amount of time and the expected return you will get for the extra work.
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