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Old 05-12-2004, 01:32 PM   #10
Gruntled is [Too Long]
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It was something that I've noticed being put into use lately, and was wondering if it was mostly instaled as a requirement for some script or affiliate program, or if anyone was checking on the data that comes out of it, and doing something with it.

It's a great idea to check incoming traffic and redirect to a translated page or to use different banners based on the return to target more.

They have targeted news at CNN.com, but they have a pop-up that asks you which content you want, rather than doing the work for you based on your IP.

I imagine that if a visitor hits the site from the Czech republic, it would be great to send them automatically and transparently to the Czech translation of the site. It's extreme customer service, and once set up, it is automatic.
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