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Old 05-14-2004, 05:11 AM   #14
Don Soporno
Don Soporno should edit this
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Originally posted by Cold_ice
Just cuz you like them dosen't mean I do or anyone else. I like country and I don't expect everyone else to jump up and down with joy when they hear the Dixie Chicks. I did think Jennifer and George were good but IMHO they were not as good as Diana or Amy Adams. Its all about personal taste, period. This contest was designed to give people the right to vote and majority always wins and thats the bottom line. I can almost bet that most people on here complaining about who should win didn't vote.

youknow what, your absolutly right, I htought Amy could sing her ass off but she had a country voice and they ar elooking for a pop star. I do think she will be very successful if she goes after a country deal. And Diana has a voince but you cant argue wiht the fact that latoya could sing, anything, hell she probably already has a record deal by now with Elton...lol
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