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Old 10-15-2002, 06:12 PM   #18
shok should edit this
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Originally posted by Shann
Well the funniest was the Player Haters Ball when i got Shok so drunk on shooters he forgot i flashed him and almost yakked on the limo bus on the way back to the hotel! LOL Sitting up in Libarace's room looking at cherubs naked on his ceiling, was odd.....
Shit you Americans can so NOT hold your liquor! LMFAO

Also, there was an incident in Windsor, years ago, where someone said something about Evil Chris...... never got to the bottom of that, maybe hit me up on icq and tell me it wasn't true Chris! ROFL

It wasnt the alcohol making me want to puke, it was the discussion you were having with me about how you had diahrea, and there was no toilet paper in the bathroom and how you hoped no one would notice the smell in Brads bus......oh wait, maybe that was a dream.

You flashed me??
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