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Old 05-19-2004, 08:38 PM   #5
-=HUNGRYMAN=- should edit this
B-B-B-B-Bad to da Bone !!
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Both Panky and I have Logitech Cordless Duo MX keyboard and mouse (MX700) and neither of us would trade them for all the tea in China !!

I saw cordless as an unnecessary evil for many years, but finally got talked into it by a friend just before Xmas ..

Well for Xmas we got each other the Logitech Cordless Duo MX, and would you believe both mine and her keyboards are on the original set of batteries, and still showing full charge, and the mouse recharges itself in the base when not in use, and one charge will last me 2 days easily if I use it for 10+ hours a day and forget to put it back on the charger base. (the base doubles as receiver for both the keyboard and the mouse)

Alone, the MX700 mouse has been called the best mouse to hit the market by several computing magazines and epinions.com, but be nice to yourself, and for an extra $15-20 get the keyboard Duo

Oh .... did I also mention how sexy they are ???
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