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Thread: Andy Kaufman
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Old 05-21-2004, 12:50 PM   #1
Panky is the Queen of Mean
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Default Andy Kaufman

Did you guys read the article about him? He decided after 20 years to make an appearance again and let his family, friends, and fans know he really isn't dead.

Did this guy ever think about the pain he caused people, especially his mother, 20 years ago when they thought he was dead? How freakin' self centered can a person be?

Now he's getting recognition because he pulled the ultimate stunt off. "Convincing the world he was dead."

It's hard to say for sure though. Maybe his family has been in contact with him all along and just are saying they had this person have forensic analysts determine this person is the real Andy for the sake of the ultimate stunt? To make things more believable.

As sick and demented as the joke may be, he did manage to pull it off for the past 20 years. He capitalized on his "death", now he's going to capitalize on his "resurrection".

Just makes you wonder though if he did allow his own mother to think he's been dead for 20 years. That's pretty extreme and demented, even for just a joke.

Celebrities... LOL!
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