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Old 05-24-2004, 08:37 PM   #1
kaustic should edit this
ĦEl Perico!
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Exclamation Looking for someone to design my site!

Hello everyone,

Well, my friend who has done all my company logos and web pages since about 2000 decided that he has ethical issues with creating an adult website.... (either that, or hes scared to work around so much nudity)

Either way, I am now in need of a good web artist. I know html, and php myself, but I dont feel skilled enough to make a great eye catching website that will draw in some members.

I need someone with experience in PHP and FLASH. Thats about all I can think of... Show me some examples, ask me some questions, etc....

After the first site is done, more will follow.

Thank you everyone,
I look forward to seeing your work.

PS- I guess if you know someone that you would vouge for, I'd take up that referal.
Thanks again
Miami..... what more can I say....
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