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Old 05-25-2004, 07:34 PM   #1
ARiA should edit this
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Talking ouestion...

anyone here I know in or around Oregon???

anyone in here that knows me,
knows I've been trying to get out there for a WHILE now.

I'll be arriving in Portland tomorrow at exactly 10:59!!

could use a tour guide for a while until the brother and I can get out and have some fun.. some of us actually have jobs

ok, so I was looking for an excuse to pop in and say hey..

hope everyone here is loving life... (or trying)

I miss you all.. my warmest regards to FUN&EVIL..

it's been a minute since I popped in.. I know. I'm an ass.
at least that's what they say... or was that WOW! what an ass!
oh well, I always did drink a little excessively

anyway... don't forget a big kiss on the cheek to Ryan for me. what a little cutie! good job guys!

wish me luck...
I'll be around for three weeks

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