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Old 05-27-2004, 12:24 PM   #22
RedShoe should edit this
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Default Re: Re: Anyone here from Canada?

Originally posted by Funbrunette
In my basement! I'm in need of a sex slave!
E.C. Just not cuttin' it eh?

We are looking for good ethnic diversity. I found out Plattsburgh (new york) is like 95% white. We chose Plattsburgh as a potential place because it's only about 30 miles from Montreal. But after hearing that stat, I think we'll pass.

I'm kind of a fat mexican and the wife is asian, the kid is a mix. I just want to live in a place where the little one will not ever have to worry about her ethnicity. Toronto was SO diverse, I couldn't believe it. I have NEVER EVER seen so many different cultures living in semi-harmony. LOL. I can't say they were all nice to each other but from what I saw everyone seemed to get along.

We have lived in LA for 11 years now, and we both grew up in small towns. After being in LA, we both want to return to small town living with EASY access to a major city. (I guess that would make us suburbanites).

So anywhere NEAR Montreal or Toronto is ideal. I like the sound of OakVille. I still have no idea what a quante is, but it sounds neat. Especially if it'n near a lake.
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