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Old 05-27-2004, 01:03 PM   #26
McAttack should edit this
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Originally posted by Evil Chris
haha... nawww... it's just that Toronto / Montreal rivalry that will always be there. I do like Toronto. I lived there for about 6 months when I was 18. It's a massive city though. If I were to move anywhere near TO, it would be Oakville as Magnus mentioned.

But another beautiful "town life" area is Niagara-on-the-Lake. A very old town which is basically attached between St-Catharines (my birthplace!) and Niagara Falls.

I never gave much thought to ethnicity in my area but come to think of it this area is quite a melting pot of many cultures.
I think that's the major canadian cities in general. Vancouver has a large asian population, Toronto is very mixed as well and Montreal has a huge mix, but there's always that european feel to certain parts of the city too.

If you'd be looking at Montreal, you'd probably want to be in the West Island, which is the western part of the island itself. More english people there.

Platsburgh sucks! hehehe, the only reason it does any business is because people from Montreal go cross border shopping there.
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