Originally posted by Feynman
Yeah, but it's clever spam.
Have you seen the prices they charge?
I've been told that 60$ is an average three weeks pay down there in the Philiipines. 80 bucks per month. And they charge 10 times that.
It means that they will accept much less.
This is good and bad.
Good because we can subcontract for cheaper
Bad because it will create dent in the local business.
High prices charged by them is
Bad because we won't be able to obtain cheap labor
good because it'll preserve our local markets
This is a case where short term interest seems to clash with long term interest.
Thus, the emergence of what we call "the Rat Race".
Hi There, actually we are not a freelance company we are an outsourcing company and your rates are wrong, we run a professional office and all workers are supervised round the clock by westerners that have been in the biz 8+ years, we invest a lot of time training our staff for design, webmasters and development.
Our prices reflect professional staff that we pay taxes and medical insurance for and as a company we take resposability for there work.