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Old 05-29-2004, 09:44 AM   #7
TeamCali should edit this
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Originally posted by Gruntled

Zeus allows for some of the same server directives as apache, but not all of them, which is probably why it's not working for you, since either of your methods would have worked on an apache server.

According to the user documentation for Zeus version 5, there is an option in the admin area to allow and disallow directory browsing, so you will likely need to have a sysadmin at your host switch it for you, unless they have provided an interface for you to manage Zeus on that server.

In the documentation, it's referred to as "the directory listing section" in the admin screen.

I hope this helps.
I have read the documentation from Zeus and it says to use IngoreIndex But that has not effect. Options -Index works great but prevent perl or php from accessing the directories. This I do not undersand.
El Gringo
ICQ 288147085

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