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Old 05-29-2004, 02:22 PM   #31
SexyScribe should edit this
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RedShoe, looks like you managed to stir up what passes for Canadian nationalist pride with your innocent question.. hehehe

Out of the three major cities mentioned, Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver, each has its own distinct flavor, and ethnic diversity is a major component in all three.

If you can afford the lifestyle out west, Vancouver and area is truly beautiful, as StuartD's pics prove. (Great pics, Stu!)

But, to be honest, I've yet to find a city like Montreal anywhere else in North America. For the simple reason that no other city has the diverse language culture that this city is built on. I grew up in a predominantly Italian, Jewish and Greek neighbourhood (in a suburb of Montreal), and all the kids I knew spoke three languages: English, French, and their parents' native tongue. I was the odd kid out.. I only spoke two. LOL

Bilingualism is a fundamental part of Montreal's culture, despite the few fringe radicals who prefer to be unilingual; the city's heart and history are multi-lingual. While it's given rise to hilarious politics over the years, it's also flavored the Montreal culture with more openness and diversity.

'Course, you have to be able to stand the cold. LOL
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