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Old 05-31-2004, 07:07 PM   #9
sticky1 should edit this
Citizen X
Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: Texas
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Default Just wait

With quality and low prices and the fact others prices are way too high we will take the market or a good bit of it.

Hell it only takes a few dollars of glass to make any of these toys. It's the labor working the glass and are your workers getting the biggest share of those profits. Most likely not and they are the ones working the hardest making the toys.

I knew when we started this someone would get scared and jump on me, because of our prices and warranty. All I can say now is enjoy those big sales because when we get rolling there are more glass workers ready to work for us for the money we will pay them.

People know a good deal when they see it and with prices and a warranty like ours. We will make sales and with all the things planned for promotion whatever kingdom you think you have will fall. Our motto is the high prices are over! Take that to the bank it might not be today or tomorrow but it will happen. You have had a good run don't get pissy, you could always lower prices and give everyone a warranty. Then see what we do next! LOL
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