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Old 06-02-2004, 10:34 AM   #6
Panky is the Queen of Mean
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I agree with Dr. Monaro that Thumbzilla is worth buying a spot or 2 from.

There is more to it than just buying a gallery spot. Just because one site sends a lot of traffic, doesn't necessarily mean that you will make sales to cover costs and profit from.
  • Is the gallery built to sell?

    Quality of images and movies?

    Targeted niche? Don't buy a spot on a teen oriented site if you are promoting MILF.

    Make sure you've got a gallery and a sponsor that is already proven to convert before you buy any spots anywhere.

    Check your stats and see where your traffic is coming from.

    What day(s) of the week seem to be better sales days for you? Once you know that, buy spots for those days.

    How long is the waiting list and is that an issue with you?

Here's a few sites to add to the TGP list.
  • Shemp

    Hardcore Junky

    Snakes World

Another option for people to consider too, as much as it rubs me the wrong way in certain aspects, is purchasing accounts. Basically, the submitter pays a fee for an (x) amount of time, sometimes for a network of sites and other times for a single site, for the priviledge to submit daily to a site or a network of sites.
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