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Old 06-03-2004, 04:04 PM   #1
EarnCoin should edit this
Citizen X
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Lightbulb Earncoin.com - Officialy opened !! Register now and get 25$ as a gift !!

/read to the end, it's interesting and favourable /


Absolutely new partnership program !!!

When we were in the process of creating of our partnership program, the main thing we were guided by was quality of our sites, not quantity. As the result we made and shoot 7 websites with absolutely exclusive designs and ideas.

We created 7 bombs that will explode surfers pants! We created 7 bombs that will explode your bank accounts. We could create 80 template sites, per signup, switch on shave and pretend that we are serious guys. But We decided to do everything another way. We created a partnership.

NO SHAVE WE ARE PARTHERS, this is our slogan, this is our credo, this is our titude to our webmasters, who aren’t just a partners, but members of our team+Earncoin team, the team that knows how to create a well-selling sites from it s very own experience.

Our kind support always helps those, who just started and goes forward to those who want to bring some sort of corrections into the course of our work.

Our own photo-studio allows us update our sites right in time.

The updates are fully exclusive and surfer won t find them anywhere else.

Five years of successful work in the adult business allowed us to create the exact project we needed, and we are 100% sure you will like it!

While you ll be selling one sites, our studio will be shooting another ones, and our artists will be drawing the next ones.

I m not going to tell you what ratio our sites have, because all you need is just to take a look at them and make your conclusions. The only thing I can
tell you is that the results of 2 weeks test show that our bombs sales level is three times higher than analogues !!!

http://www.drunken18.com - wasted teens
http://www.drunkenbi.com - concrete dunk orgy, everyone gets fucked
http://www.gaylikegirl.com - gays in women dresses, transvestites
http://www.oldfreaks.com - old farts fuck young girls
http://www.latentgay.com - gay site about first anal act
http://www.fucking-hookers.com - teens prostitutes, wicked site !
http://www.punishedgay.com - gay BDSM.

Inside our webmaster's workshop you will get pleasantly surprised.

There you’ll find free content, FHG, banners and slogans for advertising.
Moreover, we put there an interface to adjust the site you are interested in the way you want.
You can choose what billing will be the main one and what billings shall become the second and the third ones. You will be able to change tours places.
Also, you will have an opportunity to switch trials on and off, as well as crossell popup. You will be able to take all exit traffic back to you. And the
main thing you’ll be able to add your domain names to the Direct Link menu and send traffic directly to our sites! So, there s no need to think about
surfer that he will delete your wm ID from the url.

We make payouts 2 times per month, in any way suitable for you (I told you, we ve got the kindest webmasters support). Minimal sum for payment is $100,
$25 of which are our gift to you as a sign of our gratitude to your wise choice!!!

Yes, that s correct! Register today and we will add 25 bucks to your account automatically, so you could drink some beer for success of the beginning of
cooperation with us.

Referral system.

You will get $25 for each active referral + 10% from all his sales! Put the link to our sites in your signature and start making money without doing anything right now!

If you are still not sure if you should start working with us or not, don t be lazy and put any banner of any website we have on your resources for just one single day.

Believe me, the next day you will put our banners on all resources you ve got.

Best regards,
Just Earn it...

Click Here To EarnCoin.com !

eMail : support[@]earncoin.com | Mad ratio with EarnCoin.com
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