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Old 06-05-2004, 04:47 AM   #6
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Default Re: Popups or no popups?

Originally posted by Evil Chris
When you're choosing your linking code from an affiliate, do you opt to use the no popup option with a lower payout?

If you do, what circumstances make to do this? I know that it's almost a must for TGP gallery makers, but what else might make you choose to use a no pop option, or for that matter NOT use it??
I use both, but I can say that I have found more sales from popup tours rather than from no popups. I feel that it is due to this;

My content and sponsors link codes match each other.
To the surfer I might not be showing what the surfer wants and then after I have caught the first click (eg. say from a blind text link).
I have like 5 seconds or less for my surfer to continue to view my sponsors site. If they like the site and then they signup or bookmark as you all know and they come back to view it again.

If there is a popup or popunder "blur" then if and when they close the window they get to see something else. and that is where the sponsors take over.

Some sponsors share this blur, some offer a higher payout rate for it. The sponsor knows how valiable this blur is inside the short window of opportunity they have to catch the surfer then and there.

There is another reason why popups are required and I will share this understanding with you. A surfer that gets a popup tour and signed up straight away. (we get the signup. or rev share) There is a cookie delivered from say the sponsors sponsor (maybe another small blur got it there).. if you know what i mean. say his/her other site or something.

What happens here is that your surfer who signed up for you today, also very much likes more than you think and he signs up again on his next bookmark.
"Bingo I got another customer says monaro's sponsor! gee Mark is really doing well for me says monaro's sponsor!. I will contact him and see if he needs anything. says the sponsor"

Meanwhile we all work around making the net at clean at we can with no popups or popunders "blurs" and we remove the adds from our page. but wait we load free content.

Remember the 90's ? some of us remember. Well there is many surfers out there like the 90's and x that by 100's or even 1000's as they all are starting to trust using their cc cards to make a online payment.

Think really hard before sellecting a no popup tour is my point of view.!

We need to think like a surfer to become the surfer remember this my friends and you will be very happy.

sorry about the typos, i ran into overtime.
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