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Thread: Lawrence Connor
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Old 06-08-2004, 02:39 PM   #9
Vid Vicious
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Originally posted by Evil Chris
I may be wrong, but it's an impression that myself and a few others have had that Lawrence Connor possibly has some sort of social or psychological disability.

If this can be confirmed, is he really someone who should be put under lights in our industry for entertainment or ridicule?
Confirmed !

Chris you are so right .. IHMO lawrence does not have the .. ewhat we call .. "the Social Skills" for the Ponr industry .. he was completely dumb struck by myself and Lanni Barbie , His Comprehention level was that of a young child ... I repeatly asked him if he understood and new what he had gotten himself into .. Before and during the live event .. If there was an audio stream during the live event you would of heard me asking him his name, if he was aware of his surroundings and if he understood what was about to happen to him (get fucked up the ass) ... Even after the live event .. I took him aside and explained to him what had just occurred, asked him if he was aware of the scene that just went on .. and if he needed any medical attention ...
His Relese form was explained to him verbally and was recorded. I made every possible attempt to allow him to back out of the live event .. explaining that it's ok to change your mind and that I always have a back up for such an occurance.

About the preformance:
Lawrence was unable to keep a Hard-on for more then a second or two ... also his phisical appearance isn't that of a sex entertainment preformer. His stamina is non exsisting. and his girth is, ... well to put it politly Non-exsisting.
A future in the adult world as a preformer is not in the cards for mr. Connor.

Our Main preforming Talent the Lovely penthouse pet Lanni barbie had also refused to act in the live event after spending the day with mr connor. He's not all there you see. and we felt that he didn't have a greasp on what was gonna happen to him .. and even though He was tested for HIV and other sexually transmitted deseases .. after spending time with him, our female preformer didn't feel that she felt safe with him .. Hense the Latex Panties with the cock holster .. and also the reason a condom was used during the oral session of the event.

Larwence I'm sotrry to burst your bubble . but as a professional pornographer, I must be honest and tell you .. Look for an other JOB .. you promised me that you would lay off the Internet Webmaster side after this event .. and well you didn't .. so now I am standing up and letting everybody know the truth ... you just can't cut it as a male preformer sorry.
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