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Old 06-08-2004, 02:54 PM   #11
twinkley should edit this
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Okay, so here is the scoop

I do not know whether or not lawrence has any kind of physical/emotional/mental disability. I would not even want to speculate at this point.

What I DO know is that he went on DAS (darren austin show) claiming that no one informed him of the ahem ... anal clause in his contract, that the terms of the contract changed after he signed it, that he didnt know what he was getting into, that no one communicated with him etc etc etc. Basically, he made it all out to be a big trick .... that everyone was in on but him.

Anyone who has been listening to YNOTRADIO over the last ... what ... 6 months? 8 months? Knows this is totally false. Lawrence was repeatedly told what he would have to do, and what the consequences were if he didnt live up to his end of the bargain. I made sure this was known to those in the chat, and darren did an AWESOME job of posing the other side on the air. This is not how any of the people involved do biz and we all know it.

I have to run now - im guest hosting on The Porn Professors today, but I will be back with more on this subject after the show. I am completely disgusted with the backstabbing way Lawrence handled this interview, and will no longer support him in any way in this industry.

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