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Old 06-09-2004, 12:08 AM   #20
Panky is the Queen of Mean
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will this guy EVER go away?!

He WILL go away if people
  • Stop having him appear on radio shows

    He gets banned, or people just move his threads right to the trash or spam forums

    People stop posting in threads such as this one

    People actually use the "ignore user" option

But people won't do these things. It's so great to give this guy attention in various ways for various reasons.
  • Lets have LC as a guest and see how many people log in and then we can all talk about what he said

    Lets keep this thread in the main forum so the drama begins

    Lets join in a thread about LC and get sig views and be in the "cool crowd" for bashing this guy

    and so on, and so on, and so on...

He's using people as much as he's being used. We all know he's annoying. This was said. That was said. These things don't really matter.
If people simply ignore him, he will disappear. If you choose not to ignore the guy, then be prepared to continue being annoyed.

People have mentioned all kinds of things concerning his mentality and ability to understand. The thing is, when people are mentally challenged on various levels and one spends time with them, it becomes obvious. Even if the guy is unstable, it will show when spending any considerable amount of time with them. People didn't hesitate to use him for various agenda's, even though he may or may not have mental issues. Then these same people bitch because LC is LC. It's really sad.

Whenever he posts here, I simply delete or move the thread. (I didn't in this one because EC had warned him and I just figured that would be it. ) Whenever he posts on other boards, I simply don't open the thread. Why can't other people do this? But, I guess it is more fun to bitch about the guy and his habits.

Think of it this way. Everyone knows if you feed a stray cat, the cat will return everyday religiously to get the food. You suddenly stop feeding the cat, and in time, the cat will go away.
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