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Old 06-15-2004, 01:38 AM   #12
monaro should edit this Edit
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Originally posted by McAttack
I tend to stay away from that topic. Anytime it comes up, I just say something like "Doesn't matter, this is the only one that matters" and embellish that idea. If it's about STDs and stuff, fine I'll even go ahead and do a test if I have to. A number won't say if you're clean or not.

I had a girl that was a bit concerned because of the industry that I work in. Even though I explained that I don't do content, and even at the shows, I don't really care about that stuff, she didn't like it. She thought every day was an orgy. So eventually we broke up.

i have used that line over 0 times "Doesn't matter, this is the only one that matters"
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