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Old 06-15-2004, 10:28 AM   #4
gel should edit this
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Default Re: Re: Re: TGP list for gallery submiters

Originally posted by sweet7
I don't autosubmit myself, but why do you see little point to it?

I tried an experiment where I grouped TGPs into 2 categories.

One larger TGPs about 100 TGPS (sending more than 1K uniques per gallery)

The other small TGPs about 700-800 TGPs.

I used Advanced Submitter to do assited submissions to the larger TGPs and Russian Submitter to autosubmit and human emulate submit to the small TGPs.

I simply saw no real traffic coming in from the small TGPs. Not enough to produce any thing more than the occasional sale.

The small amount of sales was not worth the effort of dealing with the headaches associated with using an autosubmitter.

i did notice 2 things from submiting with the small TGPs.

1 Some of the galleries were "harvested" by spidering TGPs. They produced some traffic but i never really noticed any sales from this traffic. Might be worth a further experiment someday to tailor the galleries and descriptions to take advantage of this. I just haven't had the time.

2 Some of the mirrored pages were indexed by Google. Good for a few SE hits to play with.
Submitter's Realm It's not quite ready to launch yet but come take a look.
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