Originally posted by StuartD
smoke a pipe while shooting?
I like the lighting kit though, just shouldn't really be visible in the other pinball machine
This image was not an accident, I did it on purpose, for fun. I couldn't let pass by this nice visual pun. (can I say that in english, "visual pun" ?) The pipe smoker was the owner of the house I was shooting at.
I shoot with a Profoto Acute2 1200 w two regular zoom reflector heads. It's so accurate, it's pure joy to work with. My philosophy is, I cannot afford to buy cheap equipment. The few bucks I try to save always end up costing me a bundle more in time, lower performance and hassles.
I also have a ring flash head that I use with no reflector.
I normally use two semi-silver umbrellas, but nowadays, I get tired of this hyper-flat lighting and am trying new ways to light.
For exterior shots, I just bought a 42" Photoflex white - soft gold collapsible reflector. I used to use a piece of foamcore spraypainted with aluminum paint. It's fine for interior shots, but it's a real hassle to carry around outside and handle on windy days.
For shooting exteriors, an assistant is almost a must.
BTW, did I mention that I shoot on contract at very decent rates ?