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Old 06-18-2004, 06:04 PM   #22
l3vi should edit this
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Default Re: Re: Best HTML program

Originally posted by dokk
I would very much like to know myself but no idea how anyone can be proficient with a suite of a dozen different heavy duty software packages.. just 1 seems hard enough. ;-)
It grows on you man!

I have been programming for almost 19 years now. As you move from project-to-project you pickup new stuff.

I find in the open market employers love to push the limits of software and their programmers, so as time goes on you have to learn new tricks to get what they want done before someone else does.

It also has to do with what you specialize in, I my self work with a lot of network, DB, drive sites and companies. So my skills fall into all forms of html, perl, php, asp, sql, ect...

Do I know how to work with everything? No, But I know most things don’t change is style and a quick read will get me the job, and get me on my way of getting it done.

Its like a video game, how many have you played in your life, and how many are you good at? You did not learn them all at once, you played each one and learned all you wanted about each one, and thus that makes you know how that game(packet) works!
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