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Old 06-18-2004, 07:43 PM   #25
XXXPhoto should edit this
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Originally posted by l3vi
Right on!

No offence man, but at the age of 7 I could have pumped out that in my sleep with notepad, kate, or vi. Gallery templates are easy as making a tables, there is nothing to it.

I do agree that the notepad or whatever you are using will do for quicky jobs, but I would never take the time to build DB driven site(s) with one, or an advanced design for SEO.

How long would it take you to make a form(with notepad or whatnot) and have it self post, and input it into a DB, as well as email it to your self with send mail?

It would take you more then 5min to write that out with any 'text editor', as for more advanced software like DW you would have it done time you got to this point of reading this paragraph.

The point of DW is to help you get the job done faster when you need it.

This is just like the same debate over hand submitting or using a auto-submitter.

You can spend an hours typing in the urls, and other information just hand submitting to TPGS, or your could use a auto-submitter that will fill in the form and let you hit submit, and take you onto the next TGP?

The answer is clear as James_Cash post!
If you could do that at 7 then I'm sorry your life's course went awry... I dare say knocking out a living on adult net isn't the best application of such advanced skillset. To each their own.

I also am not a programmer, nor have I ever claimed to be one. I format html pages... several rungs below whipping out an .exe or even doing some fancy php dancing to get a board such as this built. Other webmasters might feel html coding is programing, I am not one of them. What I do is more akin to formating a word document with markup languange than it is programing. Hence, I prefer notepad as it's quickest route for me.

Yes, I could have arrayed that thumbnail matrix and had the server doing the work for me; however, with a little extra work I now have static pages I can group, tweak and .zip til my heart is content to use for my own purposes or package and sell to other webmasters who need actual .html's for building mass galleries and se fodder. Typing in modular format and building things in an exponential fashion is just one way to improve speed of knocking things out in notepad but few webmasters have picked up on this, thus there is a market for building blocks such as I make. It doesn't matter really that your methods can be faster than mine. To me it matters that mine is faster than my clients and it is that utility they are purchasing.

As for the auto-submits, yes it's a timesaver; but only for those that will take autosubmits. Same with auto search engine submits; there is a time and place for them and there is a time an place that doing it by hand will yield greater returns...
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