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Old 06-19-2004, 05:48 AM   #28
venturi should edit this
Catatonic State
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One of the most underused and powerful features of ultraedit is it's "template" functionality - I say template because that's not really what it is. You can paste into an HTML/PHP/Perl/Whatever file snippets of code and seriously decrease your time to getting to market with your site(s). WYSIWYG editors are great, don't get me wrong, but with rare exception I've yet to find anyone that can churn out a gallery or freesite using one faster than I can with UltraEdit - and I know that what I build will be HTML 4.0 compliant.

Dreamweaver is cool in the hands of capable people. It "can" generate really clean code and make use of CSS like it should - but I see stuff everyday generated by DW that makes FrontPage sites look like masterpieces.

Yes, I'm a purist and rather opinionated. I believe that by building quality HTML pages that you benefit long term with your sites. SE's can spider it more easily; LL & TGP validators have less crap to filter thru; in the end what you "build, submit and forget" will end up having a longer shelflife of productivity towards your bottom line. But that's just my opinion.
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