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Thread: Stuff or Maxim?
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Old 06-24-2004, 04:23 AM   #11
Don Soporno
Don Soporno should edit this
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Originally posted by sweet7

Yes her lack of common knowledge and sense is indeed astonishing. Good thing she sings well and is very hot.

for me a moron is never attractive no matter what she looks like. I have ot have a woman I can carry on a conversation with and not feel like I am talking to a 3 year old who is just gonna stare back at me and once she finally opens her mouth it will be somehting like this.."are twinkies born with the cream filling or does the easter bunny bring it to them on Christmas?" "Do Ducks celebrate quanza?"

On the next episode of Newlyweds..."Is this fudge or a turd? I know it just came out of my ass and it was in the toilet but it looks like fudge and there are peanuts in it." as the camera cuts away you see nick pulling a pistol from the sofa.
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