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Old 06-29-2004, 11:16 AM   #4
Lightningrod should edit this
Citizen X
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Thanks for the welcome both of you!

I'm thrilled to learn that this is a business and social environment, also I look forward to getting to and picking at the brains of the well of knowledge the posters here offer. If I have any knowledge anyone wants just ask!

In regards to visiting 10 boards!!! regularly - what constitutes regularity for you biweekly, weekly, semi-weekly, daily?!

And with regards to my plan - well I was thinking I'd detail out the deathray device and then contact the UN to deliver my world domination altimatum then....oh wait wrong plan.
I am looking at what is required to start up a small inexpensive but unique paysites (we - being the royal we for I, with association of my two business partners - We have two site ideas to date). And creating a series of free gallery sites to list on TGP's, Link Lists, TopLists, etc., etc.
The eventual goal is to transplant the affiliate links of the Free sites with links to our paysites once sufficient traffic is generated, and the paysites are of a size and proportion that would impress the free site visitor.

There is more of course, and additional ideas and plans which go intomaking the networked web of our future porn empire, but hopefully this info is helpful for now - that you my critique and advise.

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