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Old 06-29-2004, 11:32 AM   #6
gel should edit this
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Originally posted by McAttack
Hey Rod, welcome.

I read about 5 boards on a daily basis myself. I feel this board is one of the most helpful ones around, and the social aspect is really good.

As for your plans for paysites, my first advice would be to think of the finances with some pessimism (spelling?) because most people come in and say "Ok, so within a week I'll be able to make 5 sales a day" and all that. I would suggest to do your free site stuff first, generate your traffic. Once you're able to makes sales for an affiliate program, you know that you can most likely convert your own program and at that point, invest in your sites.

It is a fair amount to invest.
Good advice McAttack

I vist those 10 site usually daily. It's my wake up and drink coffe ritual.
Submitter's Realm It's not quite ready to launch yet but come take a look.
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