Originally posted by Kacy
Just out of curiosity if you were hosted with Split for a loooong time, why would you leave?
As a host I am always fascinated when someone who is hosted at particular place for a long time and hopefully a solid relationship was formed, why they would chose to leave and not work something out.
Sorry, I don't mean to put you on the spot and you of course don't have to tell the reason, I just am curious about this
hey Kacy , don't get me wrong splitinfinity had excellent service and virtually non existing downtime by that i mean maybe twice a year ... the price was just not right though (at the time) ....
we got super duper deal with our current provider that is why we switched . You are right about the solid relationship my partner did it slowly though moving his sites to another host it was really too bad ..
I still recommend Split Infinity to anyone though