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Old 07-02-2004, 11:11 AM   #1
pf69.com should edit this
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Default S . E . O .

Part #1

There are over 1 billion Web sites listed with major search engines. With all that competition, how will your customers EVER find YOU?

Ok so you spend time and money on developing and hosting your web site. You have the best product/service on the Internet at the best possible price, or maybe just offering a free based service. What?s next? How do people find out about you?

Sure people can go to Google or Altavista or Yahoo and type in your Business Name or yourdomain.com and go to your site, but how will people ever find you in the first time?

You have to be visible to search engines (Spiders) that crawl the net looking for proper content websites. Content must be fresh (updated often) and relative to the rest of the website. Spider will enter your site sometimes through a doorway page and sometimes through another linked page and will continue to read the content, META tags and your basic HTML code to rank you in its list. Now whether spiders enter through a doorway page or anywhere else on your website, every page must be optimized for each individual spider. Link polarity is one of the most important factors in search engine placement. Without having a large number of sites pointing to you with proper link coding your site will be noticed by spiders but not rated as high as your competitors. Now with all that in mind all of these factors are important and some are more then others, but obviously the more people visit your site via a search engine the higher your click popularity rating will be and a search engine will assume that your site is relevant to the topic and therefore raise your ranking.

more to come tomorrow....
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