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Old 07-03-2004, 04:06 AM   #5
monaro should edit this Edit
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Originally posted by Gruntled
I don't suppose they have archives that can be streamed later for those of us who have odd schedules...
It would be nice Gruntled. Yes it sure would be, I missed a few since of the time it is on, but each week I myself try to stick to the program and there has been mornings where I could only load winamp to listen while I was getting ready for the day ahead of me.

I do understand through the lovely twinkley that the friday's replay will be after xamo Ron and Frankie's show on Monday.

It has been most fortunate I feel for myself
to be introduced to ynotradio through allofem only late last year. For years I wouldnt have made the effort to be a part of a large group of people who listen in. After listining in one day. Was hooked to return and put to pratice what these Masters deliver to us.
I must say that my own personal progress in this field has increased by listening in and testing the methods of those who know how its done.

My point in this matter, if there was a archive to listen to, then firstly not all of the sponsors wouldnt get all the air time and some would... just my thoughts..

Have a great day Gruntled!
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