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Old 07-05-2004, 04:16 PM   #9
Bell should edit this
Citizen X
Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: Dayton, Ohio - - - (currently)
Posts: 28
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I hope everyone had a great 4th of July...

this was one of my all-time favorites in 4th of July celebrations...

something that becomes so CLEAR to me each year at this time is
that theyear is half over... and how fast time goes by...

the fireworks help celebrate what has happened the first
half of the year nad what is to come...

each year it seems that there are some new fireworks to be
enjoyed... this year - the one I most enjoyed - while I don't
know the NAME of it - I can describe it

it went high....
and then cascaded down - looking exactly like a huge weeping willow
tree... and stayed and stayed and stayed all the way to the ground...
it was so nice...

another that seemed new to me this year was one that had
all the colors of the rainbow - and one that after it opened
had a few seconds of delay and then the little light burst burst
again to have 3 shooters come of each light stream...

did you see anything new this year ??

what were your favorites ??

oh and - - - Kevin - - - I don't recall seeing you post anywhere
else on any other boards before .... seeing your PICTURE
in your post is what CAUGHT my eye....

how long have you been an adult webmaster ??

have you lived in Boston, long ??

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