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Old 07-08-2004, 05:51 PM   #8
l3vi should edit this
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Originally posted by fuzzylogic
I know I am new, but the blog ware I have used is pretty easy. What exactly do you mean: "Let's just say it was nowhere need to being an easy task..."?
The blogging systems that I tried, had pre-defined templates, and style sheets witch are easy in a general idea, however they had cut the octal on the style tags so it made it much harder to work with to format the page.

I dont know if you are using a desktop version or not. The versions I tried where only web based as I like web based script compared to having a desktop blog.

If you would take in effect the idea the other blogs that are out there, you still are required to work with their templates. With dEvilBlog you only require at the minimum one line of code plugged into your own template and its ready to run. You can simply take a preexisting site and turn it into a blog or add a blog onto it without having to do allot of work to format other templates or your site to match the template.
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