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Old 07-08-2004, 08:30 PM   #1
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Default Hosting Company to accept wire tranfer Today!

I am not moving my away from my present host. I am more than happy to keep my account open there.

I have out grown their largest plan.

So. If you have a something, rent or share, I will be more than happy wire funds today if and only if it is someone who I trust or know the name of that is trusted to my standards!

What I am looking for is BW baby, I need juice....

How much BW can I buy from you for 100 USD per month
Yep I know ev1 servers is out there, I have been trying to contact them for days.. they dont seem to reply.

I had also been speaking to a few guys on icq, but they are all still undecided.. Over priced due to the big CPU's and extra large hd's I really need to have heard of the hosting company before.

I dont need a Pent2 with 80gig 2mb ram not even mysql or php, its only static galleries. Over the next 6 Months this is going to increase 10 x so if you can host me, I will wire in advance in due time.

I only want a log on, add domains and normal admin stuff eg cpanel / the ability to peek to 16mb/sec and mostly my traffic is only
800 - 1000kb/sec but like i said i had been speaking to some guy on icq, but i just remembered he said i would be capped at 4mb/sec which is not for me.

Firstly who can host me for my 100USD a month.... nothing fancy, nothing flash, just be up 100% and is not capped or overloaded when the traffic peeks.

If you wish to speak in private, go right ahead.

Thanks for your time.

p.s sorry about my grammar i am in a hell of a rush.
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