session_start() creates a session or resumes the current one based on the current session id that's being passed via a request, such as GET, POST, or a cookie.
If you comment out or delete the session_start() you will not be able to login to your blog manager.
That's pretty cool btw, how do you detect that there have been changes?

That I can not tell for security resins!
If you did not do a clean install with v1.3(i.e. over-installed on 1.0-1.2) it will call that error. Clear your(delete all dEvilBLog files) files, the dv_blog & dv_settings tables from your database then do a clean install.
If sessins_start() keeps on complaining you have to low of a version of PHP(PHP4 or better required) or you have something setup wrong in your PHP install.
PS> If you get a session error please email it to me or post it here, then I can help more by knowing what the error is.