G'day, I like your new site, it looks great and a really well thought plan mate.
I would like to add if I may;
How would you feel about adding a top 100
eg, 100 guys and 100 girls
pics of the current members within the first enter main.php page.
And how would you feel about adding some
Success Stories. This always gives lonely people hope when they read these sort of stories.
EG Sample
"She was the lady I was looking for!"
After three months of being on GTAdate I had received so many emails of which eventuated in phone-calls, and one of these became the lady of my dreams who I am now dating...
And that was all I needed because, she was the woman I was looking for!!!
We are now living together and have
sooooo much fun - she is a gorgeous
person and absolutely adores me (and I
her!). Time will tell but I know that I have
met a friend for life and I'm fairly certain
we wouldn't have made a connection if it wasn't for GTAdate.
Thanks GTAdate for the brilliant service you provide. Those people out there searching..
don't give up.... your person could be just
about ready to come on line.
Love and thanks from Monaro (Mark) and Trissie (Trish).