Yes I know about it. My take on over-optimization, is don’t spam the shit out of the SE, and don’t keep on using keywords for title tags like 'porn' all over the place(as SEOChat noted on that subject), and you wont see much of a problem if it all. I can show you sites that are so optimized that it could make the puke, and they never move from the top. A lot of people over think things!
I have heard about the cross linking on the same IP, and that is the biggest peace of shit I have ever heard, because it makes no since when almost all hosting packages host more then one domain on the same IP. So I can’t see Google doing that, as it would take out 1/2 of the net, because so many people run more then one site on the same IP.
One thing I keep in mind with stuff that I hear like this, it from people who thank the government is watching them 24/7 because they have a cracked version on windows running on their desktops. A lot of SEO’s will look to deep into Google, looking to find something that is not their. Even the article it self noted that the ideas are unproven and are only thought or speculation.
I think even if this really was something that bugs you, you can go to and buy like 6 Million IP addresses for $500 a year.
Last edited by l3vi; 07-12-2004 at 03:31 PM.