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Old 07-12-2004, 10:50 PM   #12
l3vi should edit this
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Building themes with your sites; One of the things many new and old webmaster forget to do when they build sites, is think how a search engine would look at your site, individually and as a hole.

A good way to see how Google sees your site is to use it's search tool:

site:www.yoursitename.com -pppp

the -pppp tells Google to find all pages on that site that does not have 'pppp', if you take out the minus and jsut have 'pppp' it will search for all pages with 'pppp' on it.

Themes can make or brake you when it comes to, pushing your site that last mile to that number one ranking in Google that you have been dreaming of.

Making a theme in a site involves keeping your links and content in a logical order or groups, thus saying you want to keep complementary content linked to content that has similar relevance.

Working with themes is like building a pyramid, thus your index page would be the top of the pyramid, and each page below it would be of relevance to the page before it. Thus saying, you would not want to link a page about ‘penis enlarging pills’ to a page about ‘MILF’, as it has no relevance to the page. This same theory applies to sites you link to, as you would not want to link a TGP to a turn-key site.

As you work your way down the pyramid you will want to link pages on that level to pages below it and across its level to other pages that have similar content. Each level of the pyramid will have ‘longer’ keywords that is more relevant to what the surfer is looking for, and is capable of creating a theme in your site. If we where building an adult site that was about Asian, how do you think we would brake the theme down for the site?

My first approach would have my index page be about ‘Asian Porn’, and the content(copy) would be similar to the title tag in that idea, the following pages would be about ‘Asian Teen’, ‘Asian Love’, ‘Asian Sex’. Etc.. till I have covered all the 2nd level pages keyword. Now this is where many, including my self trip up. Because of our desire to let our users have all the links available to them on the 1st or 2nd page, we end up braking the theme of the site. Instead of having all our links in the first level of the pyramid we should allow room for 3rd level pages to be linked from the 2nd level page.

The 3rd level we would want to brake the keyword down even more into detail. From what we used on the 2nd level page ‘Asian Teen’ then some of the links from that page would be ‘Asian Teen Blow Job’, ‘Asian Teen sex’, or even ‘Asian Teen Bukkaka’. Thus as you can see we have created a pyramid and a theme, that Google will enjoy and give us high ranking.
Other important factors if you are linking to other sites you would want them to link to the page with the most relevance to their site and you would do the same.

My site has been spidered and indexed by Google’s, can I still make a theme? Yes, and no!

If your site has already been spidered by Google it will be hard as hell to get pages out of the index that you don’t want. But yes you can get it done, it will take time, and a lot of work to get everything fixed, and in the end you will be thanking your self when you see the amount of traffic that you have gotten for from just making logical order out of your site.


Last edited by l3vi; 07-12-2004 at 11:00 PM.
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