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Old 07-17-2004, 02:42 AM   #1
erika should edit this
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Default Have you ever had your nightmare.........

come true. I did early yesterday morning.
I was sound asleep, out like a light, around 4 am Im rudely awaken by this 6ft tall amazon bitch, yelling and screaming that I had better get my ass outta be and turn on some lights, and because I was just waking up, all I could say was what the fuck. She then stomps over to my bed and grabs me by the arm and demands that I get out of bed and turn on the lights or Im gonna get my ass beat. So I climb out of bed only to have this fucking Bimbo start screaming at me HOW COME YOU WERENT AT THE CREST PUB TO PICK ME UP, I suppose your that little slut that with Deni(this is a friend of my sister-in-laws) I of course said who the fuck are you and what are you doing in my home and that I hadnt any idea who the hell she was, well that just set her off and she terrorized me for 2 hours till my sister inlaw got home, She even started to throw around names of HA members, needless to say Ive been informed that I will never see this bitch again. If I do I told them I will press charges of home invasion/break and enter. assault , uttering death threats, she even said that the next time she sees me itll be 6 ft under and that im lucky that i didnt have a gun pointed at my head,and unlawful confinment, she wouldnt let me leave and she had ripped the phone out for the wall.
What a nightmare, I finally got to sleep around 8ish this past evening only to wake up to a nightmare of the previous events.
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