07-17-2004, 03:00 PM
is the Queen of Mean
Join Date: Nov 2002
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I wouldn't have waited to press charges. She would've either been shot, or locked up if that were me in that situation.
I'm very soft spoken and not confrontational by nature, but in a situation like that, all hell would've broke loose. Especially since I'm a real bitch when woken up prematurely. Then to top it off, it's a stranger who broke into my house with the nerve to start yelling at me about someone elses issues.
I definitely would've been scared. No doubt about that. Even still, I have a nasty temper and anything within my room would've become fair game to use.
That woman needs therapy. Maybe throw in some anger management classes to.
I don't agree with the hangun prohibition laws either. I fail to see how it protects people. Criminals are never going to follow the law. If they obeyed the law, they wouldn't be criminals.