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Old 07-18-2004, 01:10 AM   #9
Feynman should edit this Edit
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Originally posted by erika
I totally agree with you feynman, guess im gonna have to go and get my firearms permit, I think it totally sucks that I have to do this, another way the system is protecting the criminals and not the public.
Make us have permits, and the criminals run around without them
what a political nightmare the canadian government has caused.

Forget about it Erika. You CAN NOT obtain a firearm permit for self defence in Canada. You can have one alledgedly to protect yourself, but in fact to protect the property of corporation, if you are a security guard, but for yourself, forget about it.

Allan Rock, passed what used to be C-68 and is now called the Firearm Act, an integral part of the Criminal Code of Canada. Before C68 was voted into law, here is what he said:

"I came to Ottawa with the firm belief that the only people in this country who should have guns are police officers and soldiers."

— Allan Rock, Canada's Minister of Justice
Maclean's "Taking aim on guns", 1994 April 25, Vol.107 Issue 17, page 12.

"... protection of life is NOT a legitimate use for a firearm in this country sir! Not! That is expressly ruled out!".

— Justice Minister Allan Rock

"Canadian justice issues, a town hall meeting"
Producer - Joanne Levy,
Shaw cable, Calgary (403) 250-2885
Taped at the Triwood community centre in Calgary, 1994 December.
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