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Old 07-22-2004, 06:41 AM   #1
tornell should edit this
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Thumbs up HOT NEWS:Win A Free One Year version of Chameleon TGP & MGP Submitter

Design and create Chameleon Submitter recip buttons of the following sizes:

4 X 120 X 60 pix.
2 X 468 X 60 pix.
1 x 170 x 170 pix.
1 x 133 x 485 pix.

Buttons can be animated or unanimated.

You may but do not have to use the following slogans:

- Chameleon TGP & MGP Submitter
- Over 2000 TGP and MGP Ready For Submit!
- Daily Database Update!
- Crop samples of all sizes by a single click!
- Automatic filling of several code types!
- FTP upload tool available!
- Chameleon Submitter now offers a selection of 71 categories!
- Added ranking of sites!
- Support of automatic submit of all sample thumbnail sizes!
- Increase productive traffic
- Increase your income

These slogans are not required and we will appreciate your own creativity. It will affect our final decision.
Authors of the best and most efficient buttons will receive the new one year version of Chameleon Submitter 2.00 for free!

Please be so kind and send us only complete buttons of all mentioned sizes in gif format.

The closing of the competition will be announced on our web site and the winner will obtain access authorization data by e-mail.

You can send your designs to e-mail: marketing@chameleonsubmitter.com


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