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Old 07-29-2004, 01:14 PM   #17
Feynman should edit this Edit
Posts: n/a
xBucks: 0 [Check]

>To me these are only upsells for extra profit
>from what we already lost from surfers who
>abused the TOS (such as signing up to get a
>membership d/loading content/movies or not
> satisfied with what they saw or whatever the
> case was and then charging it back
>afterwards) . Every business has their ways
>of making up for lost profit .

Is the sucker who you will catch unaware is the same fucker who screwed you on chargebacks? Considering that the sharper fuckers, by their nature, are less likely bite into the pre-checked box, the statistical sample of more honest poeple end up paying for the dishonest ones.

Increasing your prices all across the board will even that out in a fairer way since not all fuckers do chargeback on *your* site (they may have charged back on another site, but in the big sea of the internet, things averages out)

So, that piece of justification is, IMHO, total baloney.

Having your stuff stolen from your garden shed does not justify you ransacking another guy's garden shed...

As a business person, it's one risk you have to encur, and you recoup it on your overall price, not on being overly sharp with the more trusting part of the market.

Come to think of it: the more trusting part of the market should be nurtured, for they are likely to be better clients than the rest .
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