Originally posted by webgurl
Feynman and Don Soporno
Thats fine you would think that way I can see your perspective coming from a surfers view i guess . To me these are only upsells for extra profit from what we already lost from surfers who abused the TOS (such as signing up to get a membership d/loading content/movies or not satisfied with what they saw or whatever the case was and then charging it back afterwards) . Every business has their ways of making up for lost profit .
These cross sales are not shady, its not hidden or in small fine print letters they are 100% visible. Yes they are prechecked you can still uncheck them though . There are literally countless amount of corporations in all industries who does similar cross sales to improve their profit margins this is just business ...
I cannot believe you actually just said that. SO basically its ok for a company to screw you to get there money back because someone else has screwed them before? What the fuck kinda logic is that? Thats why this biz is so under the gun by everyone, becasue of shady ass fucking shit like that. I honestly am speechless from awe and amazment that anyone would actually say what you just said.
SD has lost an affiliate today because of this. I really wish I would have known this was there commen practice because I would have stopped promoting them myself a long time ago.