Originally posted by Don Soporno
I cannot believe you actually just said that. SO basically its ok for a company to screw you to get there money back because someone else has screwed them before? What the fuck kinda logic is that? Thats why this biz is so under the gun by everyone, becasue of shady ass fucking shit like that. I honestly am speechless from awe and amazment that anyone would actually say what you just said.
SD has lost an affiliate today because of this. I really wish I would have known this was there commen practice because I would have stopped promoting them myself a long time ago.
I made my point on how i donot believe our pre-check cross sales are shady especially the way we advertise it on our join page maybe you should take a look at ours before you start making nasty judgements of us screwing the customers. We even state the recurring process " After 3 days, Membership renews automatically at $29.76 every 1 month. "
On the otherhand , perhaps some programs offer their precheck cross sales in a shady manner but we don't .
If you are doubting your sponsors with any "shady" issues similar to this one , I suggest you to check all your sponsors join pages obviously you DON'T or else you would have noticed ours you may be surprise on what you might encounter .....
Anyways we are testing the results at the moment and may or maynot continue with them but nevertheless, our webmasters can CLEARY SEE that they are there on our join page and our description to sell them are not by any means shady , if webmasters or you choose not to promote us because of it . Then be it . What more can I say ?