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Old 07-29-2004, 03:52 PM   #20
Don Soporno
Don Soporno should edit this
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Originally posted by webgurl
I made my point on how i donot believe our pre-check cross sales are shady especially the way we advertise it on our join page maybe you should take a look at ours before you start making nasty judgements of us screwing the customers. We even state the recurring process " After 3 days, Membership renews automatically at $29.76 every 1 month. "
On the otherhand , perhaps some programs offer their precheck cross sales in a shady manner but we don't .

If you are doubting your sponsors with any "shady" issues similar to this one , I suggest you to check all your sponsors join pages obviously you DON'T or else you would have noticed ours you may be surprise on what you might encounter .....

Anyways we are testing the results at the moment and may or maynot continue with them but nevertheless, our webmasters can CLEARY SEE that they are there on our join page and our description to sell them are not by any means shady , if webmasters or you choose not to promote us because of it . Then be it . What more can I say ?

First off, in the future dont try and tell me what I do or dont do, I have promoted Sd for a long fucking time, a hell of alot longer then what you have been working for them and I am on the damn join page right now and have been before, you just said yourself you are just testing it right now so you ever think that maybe it wasnt there when I joined SD and started promotion, no im sure you didnt. I never said you dont have text there explaining what it is I just said its very shady to try and get someone to automatically upsell on somehting else. You keep talking about how you see alot more "shady" shit happen other places and that makes it ok, Im still confused on this way of thinking from a business standpoint. As was said before why not spend more time making a product that the surfers WANT to upsell to instead of trying to be underhanded about it. We are obviously gonna dissagree on this and thats fine, but I think you will find that I am far from being the only one who sees it this way. But non if us matter I guess, we arent big time enough for you guys to be concerned with right. What more can I say?
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