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Thread: Fraud - Fcms
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Old 07-30-2004, 02:56 PM   #3
steve_g1966 should edit this
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Default no fraud by fcms

No fraud has taken place. I have offered many times to have Mr. Mikhals processing. He was sent out a contract with a $2,500.00 application fee posted on it prior to May 16, 2004. He sent in the $2,500.00 fee on 5/14/2004. He then proceeded to say he had been lied to about the amount of the fees. I agreed to change the fees to the requested amounts and sent out a new contract with the application fee zeroed out since he had already paid it. I am prepared to live up to the contract he signed. We are in the process of litigation and I hope when the Judge dismisses this case he is just as diligent posting the results of the case as he has been in slandering our good name on countless bulletin boards.

Steve Graham
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