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Old 08-04-2004, 10:41 AM   #11
Gruntled is [Too Long]
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Reminds me of the fated christmas morning that I completed programming a spankin' fresh platform game in BASIC, then opened gifts from the family to find IT:

The Hayes 2400 baud modem.

Damn. I was big shit on the block with that bad boy. Hitting the BBS's (which, oddly enough, my favorite was run from an apartment by a guy who would many years later become a manager of mine) and playing "door" games, downloading the max daily KB, waiting until midnight to get the rest of the file.

The kids in the neighborhood just didn't get the need for speed. Their argument was, "why would you need to connect to anyone else at a higher speed? Nobody can type at more than 300 baud."

Then Archie was available by dialing up to the local University.

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